Renewable Natural Gas

This group focuses on implementation, case study development, and market growth.


This workstream was previously convened alongside the Downstream Natural Gas Initiative (DSI), a coalition of natural gas utilities working toward a low-carbon future. Working group meetings helped inform the “RNG Roadmap.”

Working Group Members

Working group Members consist primarily of natural gas utilities, commercial buyers, RNG developers, and natural gas associations/groups. The RTC welcomes participation from all RTC Members and Solutions Providers, as well as feedstock suppliers, policymakers, environmental groups, regulator, tracking system representatives, and other market stakeholders.

Selected Publications

The RTC is working to finalize an RNG Roadmap that will be published soon.

Workstream Activity

The RTC and associates will convene five working group meetings between May 2022 and May 2023 to inform a Technology Action Plan and Partnership (TAPP) and to cover broad RNG topics such as environmental issues.

Selected Past Events

The RTC convened multiple working group meetings to inform the RNG Roadmap. In April 2022, the RTC hosted a webinar titled, The California RNG Standard– What it means for end-users and the future of the RNG market.

RTC contact

Blaine Collison at