Webinar: The California RNG Standard– What it means for end-users and the future of the RNG market

On February 24th, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) set renewable natural gas (RNG) supply requirements for California utilities. Gas utilities are required to supply increasing amounts of RNG to residential and commercial customers; 12% RNG by 2030. This standard is the first of its kind in the United States.

See the recording below for a conversation discussing what this new standard will mean for California gas utilities, RNG development, large energy users, and what this might mean for other states and stakeholders considering RNG policies.

Our speakers include:

  • Jared Liu-Klein, Public Policy Manager, SoCalGas
  • Sam Schabacker, Renewable Energy Manager, University of California
  • Sam Wade, Director of Public Policy, Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas
  • Emily O’Connell, Senior Director of Policy and Analysis, American Gas Association
  • Moderator: Blaine Collison, Executive Director, Renewable Thermal Collaborative

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