The RTC Summit: Overcoming Barriers, Driving Implementation, and Growing the Network

The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) organizes our work around three primary focuses: reducing barriers, driving implementation, and growing the renewable thermal network.  Every session at the RTC’s first annual Summit – held virtually November 9-10, 2020 – is designed to create progress across this framework.

The barriers to accelerating renewable thermal deployment are well-known to energy users around the world: Renewable thermal comprises a wide range of technologies and potential providers; fossil gas is relatively inexpensive in many markets including the United States;  competition for internal corporate capital limits resources to finance renewable solutions; there’s less public policy supporting renewable thermal than renewable electricity options.

The RTC and the RTC Summit are engaging on each of these fronts, and Summit participants will find panels, discussions, and expertise being brought to bear on these topics throughout the event.

Technology: Renewable thermal covers a range of technologies producing different temperatures for applications.  Day One of the Summit features a ‘State of the Technologies’ session, providing an overview of biomass, renewable natural gas, solar thermal, green hydrogen, and more, plus breakout sessions to explore each technology in greater depth.

Financing: Jigar Shah of Generate Capital is providing our opening keynote.  Jigar brings a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and finance to drive deployment.  On Day Two, Alturus, Kanin Energy, Element Markets, and Cargill will consider the corporate perspective on financing solutions, the developing availability of innovative third party financing options, and current project development dynamics.

Policy: Supportive policy will be required to scale renewable thermal effectively and quickly enough to address the climate imperative.  David Gardiner, President of David Gardiner and Associates, and Bob Perciasepe, President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, will convene a Day Two conversation with policy experts about the prospects for increased renewable thermal policy in the United States.

To learn more about the work of the RTC and join us in reducing barriers to renewable thermal energy, please participate in the RTC Summit November 9-10, and consider joining the Collaborative. Contact Blaine Collison, RTC’s Executive Director, for details.

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