By Alyssa Kagel
The RTC just wrapped up another successful Summit! We convened our fifth annual event on September 30 and October 1, 2024, at the Park Hyatt in Washington, D.C. A big thank you to our speakers, sponsors, Program Committee, and attendees for their support and collaboration.

This year’s sold-out event attracted a broad group of attendees across sectors, roles, and geographies. Participants included global industrials, universities, utilities, technology developers, project financiers, advisors, government agencies, and national labs, traveling from around the world, including from as far away as India. We welcomed decision-makers from the C-suite, operations, energy, sustainability, and more.

Summit sessions covered a broad range of topics such as incentives, financing, and accelerating progress from pilots to scale, with through lines on electrification, case studies, and buyer needs. New this year, our Member Challenge Statement segments articulated the issues buyers face as they work to decarbonize thermal loads.

Here are our top takeaways from this year’s event:
- Decarbonizing Scope 1 emissions is one of the most critical — and challenging — components of many industrial end-users’ carbon reduction strategies.
- Complex problems require partnerships to drive success, and they come in many forms. Examples include: buyers working with solutions providers, buyers partnering with peers, and solutions providers collaborating to integrate solutions. We were pleased to hear about many new partnerships taking shape at the event.
- Renewable thermal solutions are gaining momentum and visibility in the form of congressional bills, government grants, financing opportunities, and more. It’s an exciting time for the industry.

We’ll build on these conversations with RTC Members and Solutions Providers throughout the year and when we convene on October 16 & 17, 2025, for our sixth annual RTC Summit. Next year’s larger venue at the Westin Downtown in Washington, D.C., will give us more room to connect and collaborate, and will accommodate the growing interest in our work. Check back in spring 2025 to register!
To learn more about the 2024 Summit, click here.
RTC Members and Solutions Providers enjoy early Summit access and discounted pricing. To learn more about joining the RTC, please contact Perry Jones at