Case Study: Solar Thermal at Boortmalt Malting Plant

Discover how Boortmalt, a global malting company and Axereal subsidiary, partnered with RTC Solutions Provider Kyotherm to finance a solar thermal plant at its Issoudun, France malting facility. Generating 8.5 GWh of renewable heat annually, the system meets 10% of the plant’s thermal energy demand, reducing annual emissions by 2,100 metric tons. Kyotherm’s Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) financing model, which combined public funding and private investment, enabled Boortmalt to install the system with no capital expenditure and advance its goal of decarbonizing its global operations 50% by 2030. Read the case study to dive deeper into the financing structure, the synergy between the solar thermal and other thermal technologies, and lessons learned.

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