RTC Statement on Proposed Rules for the Section 45X Tax Credit

The following statement may be attributed to RTC Executive Director Blaine Collison:

“The Renewable Thermal Collaborative supports the Department of Treasury’s proposed rules defining eligible battery modules for the Section 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit, announced on December 14. These rules would allow thermal energy storage – also known as thermal batteries – to qualify as an eligible battery module. Thermal energy storage is an important industrial decarbonization strategy, and the RTC has detailed its potential in a recent report

As a coalition led by manufacturing companies working to decarbonize their operations, the RTC advocated for rules that acknowledged the broad approach the Inflation Reduction Act took toward batteries that qualify for the 45X credit. A variety of storage technologies will be needed to leverage growing renewable energy production and strengthen grid reliability. These rules provide much-needed investment certainty that will help accelerate domestic manufacturing of thermal batteries and deployments that reduce emissions at industrial facilities across the United States.”

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