Wisconsin Joins the Renewable Thermal Collaborative, Furthers Action to Meet State Climate Goals

Today the Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) welcomes the Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation (OEI) as its newest Member. As part of the RTC, the OEI will be joining a coalition of manufacturers, state and local governments, and environmental organizations committed to increasing options for access to sustainable, cost-competitive renewable thermal energy.

As of 2016, Wisconsin’s energy spending deficit was $14.4 billion[1] ($14.4 billion in expenditures out of state). Only aggressive energy efficiency and in-state renewable energy development can reduce this number.  Governor Tony Evers has convened a Climate Change task Force (per his Executive Order 52) which released a report this week suggesting the state could lead by example through an aggressive goal of 100 percent clean energy for state operations in the next five years, among other clean energy goals. The OEI tracks energy use in state facilities and will play a vital role in setting and achieving the aforementioned goal, particularly with input and information from partners in the RTC.

“We are working to reduce carbon emissions in electricity by 2050 per Governor Evers’ Executive Order 38, but renewable thermal energy is also critically important.” said Joe Pater, Director of the Office of Energy Innovation “We are excited to join the RTC to help understand the future direction of this important renewable energy market and the impact it could have on Wisconsin’s citizens, communities,  and businesses.”

“We’re excited to announce Wisconsin’s membership in the Renewable Thermal Collaborative; the first state to join the Collaborative,” said Blaine Collison, Executive Director of the Renewable Thermal Collaborative. “The Office of Energy Innovation is actively working to help the state to meet their carbon reduction goals, and we’re excited to see how OEI and other RTC partners can work together to accelerate renewable heating and cooling solutions across the state.”

About the Renewable Thermal Collaborative:

The RTC is dedicated to helping industrial, commercial, and institutional energy users accelerate their use of renewable thermal solutions, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  The RTC works with its Members to address market barriers, innovate solutions, and support effective policy.  The RTC is co-convened by the World Wildlife Fund, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and David Gardiner and Associates.

Contact: Nicolette Santos, Communications Associate, nicolette@dgardiner.com

[1] https://www.cows.org/_data/documents/1982.pdf

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