Low-Carbon Renewable Thermal Technology Solutions: Policies to Support Development and Deployment

While policy solutions have been implemented for decades to expand the development of and access to renewable electricity, low-carbon renewable thermal technologies in particular, and low-carbon technologies for industry in general, have not benefitted from such widespread policy support. In order to be effective, any framework to reduce GHG emissions must address thermal energy.

In a new report by the Renewable Thermal Collaborative, we review the leading policies that support the deployment of low-carbon renewable thermal technologies in Europe and at the state and federal levels in the U.S., as well as U.S. federal policies that are proposed, but have not yet been adopted. The report also includes key insights learned from low-carbon renewable thermal energy policy development thus far, and recommendations for actions that policymakers could take to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon renewable thermal technologies.

Download our new report by filling out the form below.

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