The RTC is the only global coalition focused exclusively on the decarbonization of thermal energy with renewable solutions.
If you are interested in becoming a Member or Solutions Provider, contact Perry Hodgkins Jones.
RTC Members and Solutions Providers include many companies in the US and the world across a diverse range of industries, including leaders in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, consumer packaged goods, paper, healthcare, higher education, building materials and automotive sectors.
RTC Members include global industrial and institutional energy users representing more than $6 trillion in market capitalization.
The RTC also includes a wide range of solutions providers and experts, including renewable thermal technology developers, project financiers, consultants, utilities, and more.
RTC Members and Solutions Providers:
The RTC is the only place where large thermal energy users come together collaboratively and with innovative solutions providers to understand the problems in the market, learn from each other, and overcome the barriers to renewable heating and cooling.
RTC Members often have ambitious climate goals and recognize the role of heating and cooling in meeting those goals. By joining one of the only platforms in the world dedicated to accelerating renewable thermal technologies, Members collaborate, brainstorm with like-minded peers, and find solutions. The RTC can provide vital assistance to organizations that have stalled on renewable thermal deployment in the past or aren’t sure where to start.
RTC Solutions Providers are renewable thermal suppliers, developers, producers, and professional service firms. By joining, Solutions Providers will:
Stay Informed with the Monthly RTC Newsletter: Get updates on Member & Solutions Provider news, stay current with events, reports, publications, & working group activities.
The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) is the global coalition for companies, institutions, and governments committed to scaling up renewable heating and cooling at their facilities, dramatically cutting carbon emissions.